When you partner with Lift Communications, we take the unique service you are providing to your community and combine it with our messaging expertise and creative problem solving skills to increase the reach and awareness of your organization.
Marketing & Social Media Training
Gather your key message-tellers (staff, board members, volunteers) for a custom half-day training. Topics can include: marketing campaign development, social media content and scheduling, email content and scheduling in MailChimp, and creating blog content.
Communications Consulting
When you need additional help on an hourly or monthly basis, we are available in person or over the phone. Services include: brand management, social media oversight, website updates in Wordpress and SquareSpace, email campaign templates, fundraising campaign creation, and general communications strategy.
Design Services
Whether your logo and visual brand need a complete overhaul, or you simply need some updated stationery and printed marketing pieces, we are happy to help with design and layout. We will also work alongside your web developer of choice to help in a website design and launch.
Squarespace Website Development
Using a simple content management system, we can create a website that not only works for your organization and audience, but also is easy to use for your team. Every website comes with a training session so you can make updates without the help of a web developer.
Lift Communications maintains prices that are affordable to even the smallest organization, and we keep our packages flexible so you will never pay for services that you do not need.